
FuckPSN v0.9

PSN connection via jailbreaked PS3

Drizzt, author of Gaia Manager, provides an update of his software to regain access to PSN for all jailbreaked consoles. *Obsolete*

New feature :
- 4.21 spoof added

Feature :
- ConsoleID blank in case of identification / Ban of the console impossible

NB: Beware incured banishment risks of your account from PSN™ in case of transgressive game use.

Prerequisites :
- Jailbreaked PS3/PS3 Console Slim console
- MultiMAN installed on the console (or any other FTP connection software)
- dev_blind.pkg installed on the console
- FuckPSN v0.9 installed on the PC + modified CA27.cer file

WARNING: Changing the structure of dev_blind may be hazardous for your console. We are in no way responsible for damage that may result from this type of takedown.

Process :
1. From the PS3, run dev_blind.pkg and create the mount point
2. Then run MultiMAN or FTP Server
3. From the PC, connect via FTP to the PS3
4. Go to "/dev_blind/data/cert/"
5. Rename the internal CA27.cer file in CA27.cer.bak
6. Install the modified CA27.cer file in "/dev_blind/data/cert/" then return to the menu of the PS3 *
* Please note that any change of the dev_blind can cause irreversible damage for the console.

7. Go Settings -> Network Settings -> Internet Connection Settings -> Custom Setup
8. Go to DNS Setting -> Manualthen set as follows :
- Primary DNS = PC's IP address
- Secondary DNS = ISP's secondary DNS
9. Validate the connection at the end of settings and reboot the console
10. From the PC, run "fuckPsn-v0.7.exe" (leave the dialog window opened permanently
11. The PSN is now accessible from the console

FuckPSN v0.9

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